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Grilled Pineapple and Avocado Dip

Grilled Pineapple and Avocado Dip

Regular price $0.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.00 USD
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What you will need:

1 (20 oz.) can sliced pineapple

2.5 tsp. LoDo Red Adobo

3.5 tsp Patricia & Paul Pineapple White Balsamic

1 tsp. Hungarian Paprika

3 Tbsp. coconut milk

3 Tbsp. red onion, finely diced

½ avocado, finely diced


Drain pineapples. Grill pineapple slices on both sides until golden brown. Set aside to cool to room temperature. In a small bowl, mix LoDo Red Adobo with pineapple balsamic to form a paste. Meanwhile, pulse grilled pineapples in a food processor until smooth. Pineapples should reduce down to about 3/4 cup. Pour into large bowl and stir in LoDo Red Adobo paste. Add paprika and stir to a bright orange color. Stir in coconut milk to desired thickness. Carefully fold in onions and avocado so as not to mash the avocado.

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